"No one is actually dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away" by Terry Pratchett

Her early years

My first child Sandra was born on 24th June,1946, in Manor House Nursing Home, Sidcup, Kent, England.

 Due to complications at the birth, her left ankle was badly damaged but after many treatments, to our joy, she won a race for the under fives and never looked back. Sandie was a very bright child,able to complete jigsaw puzzles (brick variety)whilst only three years of age. Her intelligence was recognised when at the age of four, she passed the test to enter Stoneyhurst Convent High School in Bexlyheath, going straight into Transition 6-8 year olds instead of the Kindergarten. 

A few years later we moved to Orpington and Sandra became a pupil at St Philomena’s Convent High School where she stayed until she was sixteen years of age. Sandra later told me that she deliberately failed her 11 plus, along with some of her friends, as she didnt want to leave the Nuns and the Convent and go to a different school. She loved St Phils and even after she left, she stayed in contact with the Sisters. Sandra was their “golden girl”. and was given the opportunity to appear in the convents‘ many productions such as “Hiawatha”in which she played Minnie Ha Ha. Sandra also attended drama classes in the evenings.


After Sandra left school, she was employed by the Bank of England; all the young men kept hovering around whilst she was waiting to be interviewed, struck by her lovely face and beautiful smile. Working at the Bank didn’t suit Sandra, she found it boring. Her only highlight was the annual musical and she played a part in their production of Oklahoma. After the production I could hear everyone asking “Who was that girl with the lovely smile?”

During this time she also met Patrick, a doctors’ son, who worked at the Bank as a trainee manager. He was mad about Sandie and described her as “A jewel on a velvet cushion”They went out together but although she liked Patrick, Sandra didn’t have strong feelings for him.

After about a year she left the Bank and worked at the Royal Society of Arts (RSA)as a PA. While she was there she met Sir Barnes Wallice ( inventor of the bouncing bomb)and other celebrities and was invited to attend The Miss World Competition at the London Palledium. She also met Rafael, a Spanish singer, whom she helped with his English language.

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If you knew Sandra and you would like to share your knowledge and insights please do. We are always looking to add more information.
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